MCM students debate media policies and communication management on field-trip to Brussels

The Master Exchange Program ‚Media and Communication Management‘ (MCM) offers Chinese and Austrian students an opportunity to study in Salzburg and Shanghai. Each winter semester Chinese students come to Austria in order to take part in various courses at Salzburg University. One of their courses takes them beyond Austria on field-trips to Munich and Brussels. In November 2012 course lecturer Stefan Huber took 19 Chinese and 2 Austrian students on an extensive field-trip to Brussels. A unique opportunity for students to learn about the media and communication management applied by the institutions of the European Union and other media organizations operating on a European scale.

On day 1 of their field-trip to Brussels MCM students learned about the activities and the working program of the European Parliament (EP). During the discussion with EP lecturer Laura Zandersone special focus was put on EuroparlTV and the website of the EP.

EP lecturer Laura Zandersone with MCM students at the European Parliament.

19 Chinese MCM students at the European Parliament.

In the afternoon the Austrian Permanent Representation to the European Union offered two outstanding lectures and debates to the MCM students. First, Austrian ambassador Alexander Marschik, permanent representative of Austria to the Political and Security Policy Committee of the EU, talked about EU-Foreign Policy and EU-China affairs. Second, Raimund Löw, ORF correspondent in Brussels, joined the MCM students in order to speak about news coverage of the European Union.

Ambassador Alexander Marschik speaking to MCM students at the Austrian Permanent Representation.

Raimund Löw of the ORF Brussels office discussing EU news coverage with MCM students.

On day 2 of the field-trip the MCM students gathered at the Liaison office of the region of Salzburg to the EU. Michaela Petz-Michez, head of the liaison office, presented the activities of her office in Brussels and emphasized the importance of the strategic relationship between China and Salzburg. Thanks to the excellent relations of the liaison office with other EU institutions and conscious of the outstanding study-skills of the MCM students, Mrs. Petz-Michez managed to invite yet another key-note speaker: Michael Reiterer, senior adviser at the European External Action Service’s (EEAS) Asia and Pacific Department. Mr. Reiterer talked with the MCM students about EU-China relations and communication management.

Michaela Petz-Michez presenting the liaison office of the region of Salzburg to the EU.

Michael Reiterer, Senior Advisor at the EEAS, talking to MCM students at the liaison office of Salzburg to the EU.

In the afternoon of day 2, the MCM students were received by the Council of the European Union. Thomas Brandtner, head of unit, catched the MCM students’ attention by his thoughtful remarks on global relations when explaining the responsibilities of the Council of the European Union.

Thomas Brandtner, head of unit at the Council of Europe’s general secretariat, speaking to MCM students.

Day 3 of the field-trip to Brussels started with yet another highlight: a visit to the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ). The MCM students made ample use of the possibility to talk with Mr. Ernest Sagaga, Human Rights and Information Officer of the IFJ. Mr. Sagaga told them fascinating stories about his experience as an international journalist covering conflicts in Africa and Europe.

Ernest Sagaga of the International Federation of Journalists talking about his work experience in Africa and Europe.

Ernest Sagaga’s stories about his professional work as an international journalist are touching every students heart.

The afternoon of day 3 was dedicated to the communication policy and practices of the European Commission. Two distinguished speakers engaged in discussions with the MCM students. First, Martin Säckl elaborated more generally on the role of the European Commission. Second Marc Taquet-Graziani, responsible for the European Commission’s Web Management, explained how the European Commission is gradually moving from mere informational activities to political communication.

Martin Säckl explaining the historic development of the European Commission to the MCM students.

Mr. Marc Taquet-Graziani speaking to MCM students about the challenges of communication at the scale of the EU.

On day 4 the field-trip ended with a visit to, a news network committed to EU news and policy debates in various languages. Editor-in-Chief Daniela Vincenti, and Dominique Ostyn (Senior Manager Communication & New Media) presented their mission goals and daily work to the MCM students, followed by a lively discussion.

Daniela Vincenti, Editor-in-Chief of, explaining EU policy media to MCM students.

Dominique Ostyn, Senior Manager Communication & New Media of, discussing with MCM students.

The yearly field-trip to Brussels is part of the MCM program coordinated by Ursula Maier-Rabler and Tom Herdin. Course lecturer Stefan Huber is supported by MCM program assistant Alexandra Leitner. As a team we are also thankful for the help of the Salzburg Liaison Office to the European Union in Brussels, and the Austrian Permanent Representation to the European Union.

-Mag. Stefan Huber-